Internal Medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases affecting the internal organs of the body in adults.
Specialists in this field are called specialist general physicians. They are doctors who have trained in various specialties such as diseases of the heart, lungs, brain and other organs. Often people have more than one part of the body involved in an illness or the exact cause of symptoms is not clear. The General Physician is an expert in diagnosing what is wrong and managing illnesses that are complex.
The Medical team is made up of Specialists in Medicine, Hospital Medical Officers (senior doctors who work across all teams especially when working in the Emergency Care Department), Registrars, who are fully qualified doctors undertaking further training in medicine and House Officers who are recently qualified doctors working in the team under supervision of the senior members.
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Positions available for 2024 Training Year Basic Trainee Medicine Registrars Equivalent to IMT for UK and PGY2+ for Australia/NZ - NRA Careers (
Across our Auckland hospitals, you can gain experience in:
Auckland District Health Board
Counties Manukau District Health Board
Waitemata District Health Board
Royal Australasian College Of Physicians
⇡ TopThe training programme in Auckland is overseen by the Medical Vocational Training Committee, which is made up of the three directors of physician training and representatives of the medicine divisions for each of the Auckland, Waitemata and Counties Manukau DHBs respectively, in addition to members of NoRTH and a trainee representative.
In conjunction with the service load, the training programme aims to suitably prepare trainees to sit and pass both the written and clinical parts of the FRACP examination and then to provide them with excellent advanced training, acceptable to the relevant Specialist Advisory Committees of the College.
A comprehensive training programme is provided that includes a lecture series that covers all facets relevant to the Written examination. Teaching in preparation for the Clinical examination is available to all RACP basic trainees and includes a series of structured long case tutorials, an extensive short case tutorial programme and a mock Clinical exam. Also available to the trainees are the various continuing education sessions in internal medicine of the Auckland region, eg Grand Rounds, Medical Science Lectures, meetings of the various Divisions of Medicine, and a wide variety of educational sessions within the various sub-specialty departments. In addition the close association with the School of Medicine, University of Auckland provides the trainee with additional opportunities for learning.
The training programme is flexible and is tailored to meet the needs of the individual trainees.
For more information about training requirements visit the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) website.
⇡ TopIt is desirable for applicants to fit the following criteria:
The training programme in Auckland is organised by the Medical Vocational Training Committee with representation from all hospitals across Auckland and the Department of Medicine University of Auckland. This Committee is committed to further improve the quality of teaching in Medicine in Auckland.
For further information about the Internal Medicine training programme in Auckland contact Cheryl Johnson as below.
More contact details: Address RMO Recruitment Contacts